Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Body Art

Isn't this amazing body art? See the giraffe

I just love this site!

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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Front page Exposure

My valance made it to the front page of etsy.com.
Oh happy day!!!

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Roses are Red

As part of the etsybloggers we were asked to share our favorite colors and how we use them in our work.
My favorite color is red. The shade of red depends on; how it is being used. For clothing, I favor the more bluish reds but for home decor in my own home I prefer the orange reds. I find the color warm and soothing.
By visiting my ship at craftsfromtheheart.etsy.com you will find lots of red items.
When I walk into a fabric shop, I am drawn to red fabric like a moth to light. With my love of red you may think I am a bit showy and outrageous but I am actually quiet and introspective. It must be a wild side trying to show itself. :)

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